Black Friday: Free Games from Skins.Cash!
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The day of great discounts is so close that your wallet may tremble with anticipation. What are you going to buy on Black Friday 2018?
Another and even somewhat embarrassing question – where to get money for all those amazing Black Friday deals? Of course on Skins.Cash! Sell excess digital items from your inventory, and get real money quickly and securely. Do this on Black Friday and get free games as gifts from our service!
The Best Black Friday Deal from Skins.Cash
Unlike many other companies, the Skins.Cash service sells nothing and buys your virtual items instead. Sell CS:GO and H1Z1 skins if you don’t use them in the games. Sell Dota 2 and TF2 items and get real money for your chosen deals on Black Friday and any other day.
Do you know what is the best thing in visiting Skins.Cash on Black Friday 2018? It’s getting free games from your deals! The gifts here depend on the sum of your deal on the services.
How to get free games from Skins.Cash on Black Friday?
On November 23, sell your skins and in-game items.
If the sum of you trade is under $13, you get one random game;
If your trade is $13 or more, you get one random game and these three games:
To know more about the Skins.Cash service, visit our FAQ page or the How It Works section.
In the following article, you’ll find information about the phenomenon of Black Friday and some ideas on purchases for gamers.
What’s Black Friday? What’s Cyber Monday?
The shopping fever of Black Friday starts annually on a particular day. Shops and trading centers become filled with hungry buyers – everyone looks for the most seductive Black Friday sales, almost screaming “Shut up and take my money!” It’s so hard not to participate in this fever, and after all, you don’t have to resist. Just do it thoughtfully! Remember, shopping fever continues until Christmas and beyond.

So, when is Black Friday? Amazing global sales start on the first day after Thanksgiving. Black Friday 2018 is November 23!
Black Friday exists from those ancient times, when people lived without online shopping (is this possible?) Then some bright genius invented the Internet, so people could buy almost anything through their gadgets. With a bit of marketing evolution, the online alternative to Black Friday has been invented – Cyber Monday, a day of excellent deals in online shops.
That’s really a convenient invention! The best Cyber Monday deals include almost the same offers as those of Black Friday but with no need to crowd in stores. In 2018, Cyber Monday is on November 26!
Cyber Monday or Cyber Tuesday?
Keeping discounts for one only day is not the way of modern traders – both real and virtual. Shops announce the best Black Friday deals earlier than the cherished day, giving customers time to make their decisions. Some retailers begin the sale earlier than Friday, on a kind of Black Tuesday. Even more of them continue the sale for quite a long time. This gives customers a possibility to make their purchases without unnecessary fuss, but with a risk to not find the goods they want.

Although, it’s hard to get into a crowd on an online shop, many such services expand the sale time too. Many Cyber Monday deals 2018 will be available even from Sunday, November 25. And even more of them will remain on online stores for the next day, so-called Cyber Tuesday. Some of the fantastic offers will be active even until the following Sunday, December 2.
Here is an approximate schedule for the Black Friday/Cyber Monday period:
Best Black Friday & Cyber Monday Deals for Gamers
Not all people are identical – some species call themselves gamers and sometimes behave rather odd. They know almost nothing better than diving into virtual adventures. They know no better opportunity than Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals to add even more titles to their vast gaming libraries or new stylish skins to their virtual inventories.

Here are some pieces of advice for these mysterious gamers. What to buy on Black Friday and Cyber Monday?
Games vs Digital Items
If you have enough gaming equipment and souvenirs, games and digital items will be the best Black Friday deals for you. One question still remains, what will be the better choice: new games or fresh skins? Here are some thoughts on the topic.
It’s absolutely weird to buy anything on Black Friday when your house is filled with all sorts of things, and you need nothing. This day is an opportunity to get something you really need and to save money at the same time. But what about digital items? They don’t take space on your shelves and cupboards, and they have the power to bring an extraordinary amount of joyfulness and happiness into your life. Get money from deals on Skins.Cash and spend them in the best way possible – DMarket may give nice ideas.
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