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The Best 11 PC Games

The Best 11 PC Games

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The landscape of PC gaming is constantly evolving, offering a plethora of experiences that cater to every type of gamer. From immersive storytelling and breathtaking visuals to challenging gameplay and intricate worlds, the best PC games have it all. These titles not only define the pinnacle of gaming excellence but also showcase the vast potential of PC gaming platforms. For enthusiasts looking for the top games to play right now, delving into these offerings guarantees a memorable journey through virtual realms that push the boundaries of imagination and technology.

This article is dedicated to exploring a diverse array of best games on pc, carefully selected to appeal to a wide audience. It encompasses groundbreaking releases like “Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty” and eagerly anticipated sequels such as “Counter Strike 2” and “Baldur’s Gate 3”, among others. Each game selected represents the pinnacle of their respective genres, offering unique experiences that range from the strategic depths of “Diablo 4” to the innovative gameplay of “Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon” and the harrowing adventures in “Hunt: Showdown”. Whether you’re a fan of epic stories, competitive multiplayer, or indie gems, this guide serves as your compass to the best games on pc, ensuring you’re always at the forefront of what the platform has to offer.

Counter Strike 2

counter-strike 2 game


“Counter Strike 2” marks a significant evolution in the Counter-Strike series, transitioning from the classic CS:GO to a modernized platform. This upgrade, available for free to CS:GO players, is built on the advanced Source 2 engine, enhancing the game with realistic, physically-based rendering, upgraded networking, and improved community workshop tools. It introduces a new era of competitive play with updated Premier mode, global and regional leaderboards, and a host of overhauled maps.

Gameplay Experience

The core of “Counter Strike 2” remains true to its roots with objective-focused gameplay, but it introduces several significant enhancements. Dynamic smoke grenades now interact with the environment, reacting to lighting, gunfire, and explosions, offering new tactical possibilities. The game also features tick-rate-independent gameplay, ensuring consistent and responsive action regardless of server load. Sub-tick updates enhance the precision of movement, shooting, and grenade throwing, making every player’s actions more accurate and timely.

Graphics and Sound

“Counter Strike 2” leverages the Source 2 engine to deliver stunning visual upgrades. Maps have been completely rebuilt to utilize new rendering features, including enhanced lighting and realistic material effects, providing a more immersive visual experience. The audio has been meticulously reworked to reflect the physical environment more accurately, with distinct sounds that help players better navigate the game’s intense scenarios. These improvements extend to all visual effects, including water, explosions, and fire, contributing to a richer gaming experience.


As a continuation of Valve’s commitment to the gaming community, “Counter Strike 2” is offered as a free upgrade to all existing CS:GO players. This approach not only honors the legacy of the series but also ensures that the vast community of players can transition to the new version without additional costs. This strategy helps maintain the game’s accessibility and competitive edge, reinforcing its position as a top choice among eSports enthusiasts.

Hunt: Showdown

hunt showdown game

Overview “Hunt: Showdown” is a competitive first-person shooter that combines elements of PvP (Player vs Player) and PvE (Player vs Environment) in a richly detailed, gothic setting. Set in the late 19th-century Louisiana swamps, players take on the role of bounty hunters tasked with eliminating nightmarish monsters and escaping with the bounty before other players can eliminate them and steal it. This game is known for its high-stakes gameplay where both character and gear are at risk.

Gameplay Experience

The core gameplay of “Hunt: Showdown” involves tracking and hunting down demonic bosses known as the Butcher or the Spider, using a mechanic called Dark Sight to locate clues and ultimately the target. Once the target is defeated, players must banish it and claim the bounty, all while defending against other players who are attracted to the event by loud noises signaling the banishment. The game supports up to 12 players per match, who can play solo or in teams of two or three. The unique blend of survival horror, boss rush shooter, and battle royale elements makes each match an intense, tactical experience.

Graphics and Sound

The game excels in creating an atmospheric experience with its detailed environments that reflect a gritty, gothic aesthetic reminiscent of the American frontier. The sound design is particularly noteworthy; it is crucial for survival, providing cues about nearby dangers and enemy movements. The game uses binaural audio design to create a realistic sound environment, where players need to rely on subtle sound cues to make strategic decisions and remain aware of their surroundings.


“Hunt: Showdown” is available on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. It offers a standard edition priced at $39.99 and a Deluxe Edition that includes additional content and cosmetic items. The game’s pricing strategy ensures accessibility while offering value through immersive gameplay and continuous updates.

Baldur’s Gate 3

baldurs gate 3 game


“Baldur’s Gate 3” marks a significant achievement in the realm of computer role-playing games (CRPGs), setting a new standard for the genre with its deep integration of the Dungeons & Dragons 5e rulebook. Developed by Larian Studios, this game transforms the tabletop role-playing experience into a dynamic digital adventure, offering players unprecedented freedom to explore and influence a rich, detailed world. The game begins with a gripping narrative where players find themselves infected with a mind flayer tadpole, providing both a sense of urgency and a compelling drive to explore the vast and intricate settings of the Forgotten Realms.

Gameplay Experience

The gameplay of “Baldur’s Gate 3” is characterized by its strategic depth and adherence to the D&D mechanics, which influence everything from dialogue choices to combat. Players can expect a turn-based combat system that rewards thoughtful planning and tactical execution. The game allows for a high degree of character customization, with numerous races, classes, and specializations that significantly impact how interactions and combat unfold. Players are encouraged to experiment with different strategies and explore the consequences of their choices, making each playthrough uniquely challenging and engaging.

Graphics and Sound

Graphically, “Baldur’s Gate 3” is a mixed bag, with stunning environments and character models contrasted by occasional technical issues such as texture pop-ins and loading delays, particularly noted on lower-end hardware. Despite these issues, the game’s artistic direction shines, especially in the detailed and lively depiction of the city of Baldur’s Gate and its inhabitants. The sound design complements the visual richness with an evocative soundtrack and well-voiced characters that enhance the immersive experience of the game.


“Baldur’s Gate 3” is available for purchase at a price point typical for major releases. Given the game’s extensive content and replayability, the investment is justifiable for fans of the genre. Players can dive into a single-player experience or join up to three others in multiplayer, exploring the narrative and tactical depths together, which adds to the game’s value.

Each aspect of “Baldur’s Gate 3” from its complex narrative and freedom of choice to its graphical execution and strategic gameplay, confirms its place as a landmark title in the CRPG genre, inviting players to experience a richly crafted world that’s as close to a tabletop D&D adventure as digital gaming has yet offered.

Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

cyberpunk 2077 phantom liberty game


“Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty” is a thrilling expansion to the original game, introducing a spy-thriller adventure set in the dystopian future of Night City. Players return as V, the cyber-enhanced protagonist, who is tasked with a high-stakes mission to rescue the President of the New United States of America after her orbital shuttle is shot down. This new narrative dives deep into a web of espionage, political intrigue, and survival, unfolding in the treacherous district of Dogtown, a city-within-a-city ruled by a militaristic leader.

Gameplay Experience

The expansion enriches “Cyberpunk 2077” with new gameplay mechanics and missions that heighten the espionage theme. Players can engage in nail-biting courier jobs, gigs, and main quests that challenge their allegiance and survival instincts. The inclusion of characters like Solomon Reed, a NUSA sleeper agent, and the return of Johnny Silverhand, portrayed by Keanu Reeves, adds depth to the story. The gameplay is designed to make every decision critical, with new skills and cyberware that allow players to tailor their approach to stealth or aggression.

Graphics and Sound

While the original game was critiqued for its visual effects, “Phantom Liberty” attempts to address some of these issues. Players might find the visual enhancements like reduced film grain and chromatic aberration adjustments create a clearer and more immersive experience. However, the expansion has faced criticism for inconsistencies in audio quality, particularly in voice recordings which can be jarringly different in clarity and volume, potentially affecting player immersion.


“Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty” is available as a paid expansion for players who own the base game. The pricing may vary depending on the platform and region, but it typically aligns with standard DLC pricing models. Players looking to explore this expanded universe will need to consider this additional cost, weighing it against the fresh content and gameplay enhancements it offers.

Diablo 4

diablo 4 game


“Diablo 4” continues the venerable series’ tradition, blending dark, gothic environments with the frantic action RPG gameplay that fans have loved for nearly three decades. This latest installment doesn’t aim to redefine the action RPG genre but instead refines it, enhancing familiar mechanics with modern innovations. The game allows for more personalized play styles through customizable skill trees and varied class abilities, appealing to both veterans and newcomers.

Gameplay Experience

The gameplay of “Diablo 4” is both visceral and engaging, offering a slower, more methodical approach compared to its predecessor, Diablo 3. This change in pace allows for deeper strategic combat, with environments that are as detailed as they are dark. The introduction of new character classes and the expansion of others, including the Druid with its shapeshifting abilities, adds fresh dynamics to battles. The game also introduces keyed dungeons, providing players with continuously evolving challenges and rewards.

Graphics and Sound

“Diablo 4” is a visual and auditory masterpiece, featuring stunning environments that range from the beautifully grotesque to the outright horrific. The attention to detail in the game’s world, Sanctuary, is meticulous, with each zone reflecting its unique ecological and aesthetic themes. The sound design is equally impressive, with a memorable soundtrack and robust sound effects that enhance the dark atmosphere of the game. The integration of realistic graphics and high-quality audio helps to immerse players in this bleak, demon-infested world.


“Diablo 4” offers several purchasing options, catering to different levels of engagement and investment. The standard edition is priced at $69.99, providing access to the base game along with exclusive cosmetic items. For those looking for more, the Deluxe Edition includes additional cosmetics and a seasonal Battle Pass for $89.99. The Ultimate Edition, priced at $99.99, offers all the benefits of the Deluxe version plus exclusive in-game perks like tier skips in the Battle Pass and unique emotes. For collectors, a special edition box filled with themed merchandise is available, though it does not include the game itself.

Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon

armored core 6 fires of rubicon game


“Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon” introduces players to a future where interstellar travel is common, setting the stage on the fictional planet Rubicon 3. The protagonist, an independent mercenary, arrives on the planet to uncover a mysterious new substance known as Coral. This setting promises a narrative rich with exploration and conflict, engaging players in a universe brimming with technological advancements and interstellar intrigue.

Gameplay Experience

The gameplay of “Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon” is defined by its complex and dynamic combat mechanics. Players can equip their Armored Cores (ACs) with up to four weapons, utilizing each arm and shoulder to maximize combat effectiveness. The game introduces the “Assault Boost” ability, enhancing both traversal and combat capabilities, allowing players to engage in battles beyond the traditional 2D plane. Strategic elements like “Stagger,” where players can temporarily disable an enemy’s Attitude Control System, add depth to combat, requiring players to make tactical decisions in real-time. The game also offers a high level of customization, with the Assembly feature allowing players to swap various parts of their AC to suit different playstyles and combat strategies.

Graphics and Sound

“Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon” excels in its presentation, offering a visually stunning experience complemented by robust sound design. The game runs at a seamless 60fps, ensuring smooth gameplay that keeps pace with the fast-moving combat scenarios. The detailed environments and mech designs contribute to an immersive gaming experience, where every frame displays the bleak yet captivating world of Rubicon 3. The sound effects and soundtrack further enhance the atmosphere, providing an auditory backdrop that matches the intensity of the battles.


“Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon” is set to be released on multiple platforms, including PlayStation, Xbox, and PC. The game offers various purchasing options to cater to different preferences, with standard editions available alongside more exclusive collector’s editions that include additional in-game content and physical collectibles. Pricing details are aligned with typical major game releases, ensuring that players have access to a range of options to enjoy this highly anticipated installment in the Armored Core series.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

the witcher 3 wild hunt game


“The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt” is an award-winning role-playing game that thrusts players into the gritty and immersive fantasy universe of the Continent. Players assume the role of Geralt of Rivia, a seasoned monster slayer, known as a Witcher, on an epic quest to find Ciri, the Child of Prophecy. The game combines a non-linear story with a vast open world, allowing for a high degree of player choice and consequence, shaping the narrative through their actions.

Gameplay Experience

In “The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt,” players engage in complex questlines, face ethical dilemmas, and combat a variety of foes ranging from human outlaws to supernatural beasts. The game mechanics are designed to challenge both strategic thinking and physical reactions, where players must utilize a mix of swordplay, magic, and alchemy to survive. Geralt’s skills are upgradable through an expansive skill tree, which provides players with the ability to customize their style of play. Side activities like horse racing, card games, and monster hunting offer a richly textured experience beyond the main storyline.

Graphics and Sound

Updated for next-generation consoles, “The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt” boasts improved graphics with enhanced levels of detail, faster loading times, and real-time ray tracing, making it a visual spectacle on modern hardware. The atmospheric enhancements highlight the dark, brooding aesthetic of the game’s world, from the war-ravaged countrysides to the bustling cities and ancient ruins. Accompanied by a critically acclaimed soundtrack and dynamic sound effects, the game’s audiovisual presentation deepens the immersion.


“The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt” offers various purchasing options, including standard and collector’s editions. The base game, along with all its updates, provides significant value given the depth and breadth of content available. Special editions include physical and digital extras, such as collectibles and in-game bonuses, appealing to both new players and series enthusiasts. Pricing varies by platform and edition, with occasional promotions and discounts available.

Elden Ring

elden ring game


“Elden Ring” elevates the action RPG genre, blending FromSoftware’s signature challenging gameplay with a vast, breathtaking open world. Players are invited to rise as the Tarnished, exploring the Lands Between, guided by grace to brandish the power of the Elden Ring and become an Elden Lord. This game seamlessly connects expansive fields with complex dungeons, each filled with a variety of situations and formidable threats, offering a high sense of accomplishment through exploration and conquest.

Gameplay Experience

The gameplay of “Elden Ring” offers extensive customization, allowing players to tailor their character’s abilities by combining different weapons, armor, and magic. This flexibility supports a multitude of play styles, from brute strength warriors to adept magicians. The game is renowned for its multilayered story, delivered in fragments that reveal the intersecting thoughts and motivations of the characters within the Lands Between. Players can also engage in multiplayer modes, experiencing the journey with others or utilizing the unique asynchronous online elements that enhance the feeling of a shared world.

Graphics and Sound

“Elden Ring” is praised for its visually stunning world, where each area is meticulously crafted to reflect its unique ecological and thematic elements. The game’s art direction emphasizes atmospheric and immersive environments, enhanced by a high-quality sound design that complements the visual experience. Players report that the game’s graphics settings, even on maximum, reflect a dedication to a consistent aesthetic rather than pushing technological boundaries, which supports the game’s ethereal and otherworldly tone.


As a major release from FromSoftware, “Elden Ring” is available at typical pricing points for AAA games. The game offers various editions, including standard and collector’s versions, which may include additional digital and physical content for enthusiasts. The pricing strategy ensures that players can access a version of the game that suits their interests and investment level, making “Elden Ring” a valuable addition to any gamer’s collection.

Animal Well

animal well


“Animal Well” invites players into a mysterious and atmospheric world where exploration and puzzle-solving reign supreme. Players begin their journey as a small, unassuming blob, waking up in a dimly lit cavern with minimal initial capabilities. This game is characterized by its nonlinear gameplay, allowing players to explore and interact with the environment in whatever order they choose. The setting is a surreal, interconnected labyrinth filled with intricate puzzles and hidden secrets, designed to challenge and intrigue players at every turn.

Gameplay Experience

The core of “Animal Well” is its emphasis on observation and interaction with the environment. Players must solve complex puzzles using items that have multiple uses, creating a dynamic gameplay experience where even innocuous details can become critical to progression. The game encourages players to tread carefully, assessing for themselves what is safe and what may be a hidden danger. This approach to gameplay, focusing more on intellectual challenges rather than combat, rewards clever use of the environment and the tools available. The game’s design is heavily inspired by classic adventure games and includes elements reminiscent of survival horror genres, making it a unique blend of styles.

Graphics and Sound

“Animal Well” is rendered in detailed pixel art, creating a rich visual tapeple that enhances its enigmatic atmosphere. The game’s custom engine and renderer are specifically built to showcase pixel art on modern hardware, allowing for a visually stunning experience that stands out in the genre. The sound design complements this visual intricacy well, with ambient noises and subtle sound effects that build a haunting, immersive environment. However, the game often opts for silence over a continuous musical score, which adds to the eerie and mysterious ambiance of the game world.


“Animal Well” is available for purchase at a regular price of $24.99. The game is also eligible for up to 125 Gold Points, adding additional value for buyers. This pricing strategy makes “Animal Well” an accessible option for gamers looking for a deep, engaging experience without the high cost typically associated with major releases.

Helldivers 2

helldivers 2


“Helldivers 2,” released on February 8, 2024, by Sony Interactive Entertainment and developed by Arrowhead Game Studios, is a continuation of the acclaimed tactical shooter saga. This PlayStation 5 exclusive enhances the player’s experience with a rich narrative set in a satirical sci-fi universe where Super Earth spreads “managed democracy” across the galaxy. The game is designed for intense multiplayer cooperation, where players face off against a myriad of alien and robotic enemies on various planets.

Gameplay Experience

“Helldivers 2” offers a dynamic gameplay experience with a strong emphasis on teamwork and strategy. Players can choose from a wide array of weapons, armor, and Stratagems to tailor their loadouts for each mission’s unique challenges. The game introduces Ship Modules, permanent upgrades that significantly enhance battle effectiveness. These upgrades, along with the Stratagems, provide tactical depth, requiring players to make strategic choices about their equipment and approach to each mission. The environment plays a crucial role, with varied terrain impacting strategy and movement. Additionally, the game’s design includes a humorous take on military propaganda, adding a unique flavor to the player’s mission briefings and objectives.

Graphics and Sound

While “Helldivers 2” may not push the boundaries of visual technology, it offers a compelling aesthetic with its use of volumetric lighting and detailed environments. The game’s graphics effectively create atmospheric settings on alien planets, enhancing the immersive experience. Sound design is also a critical component, with well-implemented audio cues that help players navigate and react to the dynamic battlefield. The combination of visual and audio elements in “Helldivers 2” supports a cohesive and engaging gaming experience.


“Helldivers 2” is available on the PlayStation 5 platform and is priced at $33.98 for a new copy, with various options for purchasing used or complete editions at slightly lower prices. The game also offers graded collector’s editions for enthusiasts. This pricing strategy makes “Helldivers 2” accessible to a broad audience of gamers looking for high-quality, cooperative gameplay experiences.

Dragon’s Dogma 2

dragons dogma 2


“Dragon’s Dogma 2” continues the legacy of its predecessor by offering a deep, explorable fantasy world that challenges players to carve their own path. The game is a single-player, narrative-driven action-RPG where choices in appearance, vocation, and approach to situations deeply impact the gameplay. Players assume the role of the Arisen, a character central to the unfolding drama, accompanied by Pawns—mysterious otherworldly beings that provide company and assistance throughout this unique adventure.

Gameplay Experience

The gameplay of “Dragon’s Dogma 2” is enriched with diverse vocations and a dynamic party setup, allowing players to experience a mix of strategic combat and immersive storytelling. The game’s world is filled with various races and creatures, each with distinct agendas and motivations, enhancing the complexity of interactions and battles. The absence of explicit waypoints and map markers for side quests enhances the realism and challenges players to explore and engage with the game’s world more deeply. Combat remains a core focus, with the introduction of new vocations like the Mystic Spearhand and the Trickster, each adding fresh tactical layers to battles.

Graphics and Sound

“Dragon’s Dogma 2” leverages the RE Engine to deliver stunning visuals and an immersive auditory experience. The game’s graphics are designed to support a deeply detailed fantasy world, from lush landscapes to intricate character animations. The sound design has been noted for occasional issues, such as a persistent low hum that some players find distracting. However, adjustments to graphics settings have been reported to alleviate some audio issues, indicating a complex interaction between the game’s visual and sound systems.


While specific pricing details for “Dragon’s Dogma 2” have not been outlined, the game is expected to follow typical pricing models for major releases. Players should anticipate a range of purchasing options, possibly including standard and deluxe editions, which may offer additional content and in-game perks to enhance the playing experience. As with many RPGs, the investment in the game is justified by the depth of content and the potential for extensive replayability through different character builds and narrative choices.


Exploring the diverse world of PC gaming unveils a myriad of experiences that cater to every playstyle and interest, from the narrative-rich expanses of “Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty” and the strategic depths of “Diablo 4” to the competitive arenas of “Counter Strike 2” and the dark, immersive universe of “Elden Ring.” Each title mentioned not only stands as a testament to the breadth of creativity and innovation present in today’s gaming industry but also offers players unique ways to engage with digital worlds, be it through intricate storytelling, captivating gameplay, or groundbreaking graphics and sound design. These games epitomize the pinnacle of what PC gaming has to offer, showcasing the platform’s potential to deliver unparalleled gaming experiences.


#PC Games