Review of the Best Valorant Knife Skins
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Valorant brings thousands of gamers together. They form teams and compete in marksmanship, dexterity, tricks, and other skills. Only those participants who have shown the maximum talent and strategic skills in battle can survive. However, despite the fact that the outcome of the round depends solely on skills, every player wants to stand out from the crowd and become the leader of the race.
One customization option is skins. They help to turn an ordinary weapon into a unique tool. This is especially true for valorant knives. After all, they are designed for close combat and therefore can be viewed on the screens in great detail.
It is the dream of every Valorant gamer to own cool valorant knife skins. You can get them for a pass, and buy them in the developer’s store or on the external market. The latter option is preferred by most players because there is a larger selection and lower prices. What kind of skins on knives are in particular demand today? Let us take a closer look.
Where and How the Knife is Used
To begin, let’s have a quick overview of the weapon itself. The knife is required in close combat and is used mainly as a backup when for some reason there is no access to firearms. At the same time, the points for the kills are the same but the player is taking a big risk while approaching the enemy. It is worth noting one feature of the edged weapons: they do not affect the character’s speed like firearms do. Therefore, the player remains just as fast and gains some advantage when attacking and retreating.
Types of Knives
The developer offers several modifications of knives, endowed with different properties and characteristics. They differ in size, shape, animation, and skin collection. Let’s list all knives in valorant:
- Tactical Knife;
- Artisan;
- ChronoVoid;
- RGX 11z Pro;
- Reaver 2.0;
- Ego;
- Recon;
- Ion EP 5;
- Ruination;
- Candy Cane;
- Kohaku & Matsuba;
- Gaia’s Vengeance;
- Nunca Olvidados;
- BlastX;
- Protocol 781-A;
- Prism III;
- Sentinels of Light;
- Magepunk/2.0;
- Tethered Realms;
- Undercity;
- Prelude to Chaos;
- Spectrum Waveform;
- Velocity;
- Striker;
Such a variety makes it possible to choose the best option for you and your character, satisfying your personal ambitions and tastes.
Best Valorant Knife Skins
We will not list all valorant knife skins, as it would take a lot of time. Instead we’ll review the most popular.
Knife | Spectrum Waveform

The brainchild of Zedd looks like a lightsaber due to its original, translucent design. The basic version of the knife is white but the color can change through color pulsation to other shades. The knife stands out with a composition specially written for it. This is by no means a budget option. It costs 5,350 VP.
Knife | Origin Crescent Blade

The full collection includes five items but the knife deserves special attention. It is made in a crescent shape featuring black and gold shades. This item can also be found in white, red, and green. This spectacular knife was released in June 2021. It costs 1,750 VP.
Knife | Relic of the Sentinel

This item looks very spectacular. The blade is made of a solid diamond that spins and sparkles around the hilt during the demonstration. It feels more like an axe in use but it looks much more aesthetically pleasing and cooler. Customization is available in a variety of color combinations:
- pink;
- red and green;
- gold and white;
- blue and purple.
You will have to pay 4,350 VP for such a treasure.
Knife | Soulstrife
This great version of a close-combat weapon, the scythe, was introduced just after Halloween on 2 November 2022. It can intimidate any enemy with its curved hook-shaped blade and a designer handle. The color scheme is available in several shades of gray but that has had no effect on the weapon’s popularity or its price tag of 3,550 VP.
Karambit | Prime 2.0
Gamers believe it to be the most elegant weapon because of its gold finish and combination of colors. The curved tip of the knife looks like an eagle’s claw, and the ring-shaped handle is comfortable to hold while attacking. If upgraded, a dynamic spectrum can be added that activates when the knife is opened. It costs 3,550 points.
Knife | Abyssal melee
The original design in the form of a miniature aquarium will not leave fans of water themes indifferent. You can see the small inhabitants of the seas and oceans through the translucent case. The color corresponds to the idea with all shades of blue and turquoise transitioning to gradients. This valorant new knife was released on 22 November 2022. It doesn’t cost much: 2,550 VP.
Knife | Elderflame Dagger
The dragon’s claw lights up on extraction, simulating a fiery blade. This triggers a spectacular animation and soundtrack written just for this model. Gamers were impressed by the incredible realism and detail of the special effects. You have to pay 4,950 Valor points for it.
Knife | RGX 11z Pro Firefly
This has been the most anticipated knife that was released in the second version of the collection of the same name. The butterfly blade is normally hidden in the handle but as soon as you pull it out, a spectacular animation, cool voiceover, and bright glow start up. Available colors for customization are green, red, blue, and yellow. The price tag for this knife is 4,350 VP.
Knife | Glitchpop Axe
This is not a knife, but rather an axe made in bright colors. The psychedelic combination looks appropriate — the enemy will be puzzled and amused by your ammunition. If desired, you can add a holographic outline that will appear as a plume. The cost of the axe is 4,350 VP.
Knife | Gaia’s Vengeance
The knife resembles a growing sakura that happened to bloom during the war on loaded cannons. If we put philosophy aside, the blade is quite unique and expressive. It is made in different color versions: red, green, and blue. It was released as part of the collection in February 2022. If you want to own Gaia’s Vengeance, pay 3,550 VP.
You can choose another valorant knife skin price that is lower. New collections are often released, both more expensive and budget ones that are affordable to players with different incomes. Thanks to the developers’ efforts, even the cheapest knife in valorant will be a great addition to your arsenal.