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How to Get Drunk in BG3

How to Get Drunk in BG3

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In the expansive world of Baldur’s Gate 3, adventurers seek not only to conquer foes and uncover secrets but also occasionally to indulge in the lighter side of life, such as figuring out bg3 how to get drunk. This facet of gameplay offers a unique blend of humor and strategy, enhancing the immersive experience of the game. Understanding the mechanics behind obtaining and consuming alcohol can add an entertaining layer to your journey through the mythical lands, making it a sought-after knowledge among players.

The guide ahead will delve into the nuances of achieving the drunk status in Baldur’s Gate 3, from locating various alcoholic beverages to the effects and benefits of inebriation on gameplay. It will cover where you can find alcohol in the game, the specifics of consumption, and how to handle the drunk state to your advantage. Additionally, strategies for leveraging drunkenness in combat and exploration, along with tips for managing its potential downsides, will be discussed. This fun exploration into one of the game’s more lighthearted aspects promises to equip players with everything they need to know about how to get drunk in Baldur’s Gate 3.

Where You Can Find Alcohol

baldurs-gate-3-punch-drunk-bastard In the perilous and intriguing world of Baldur’s Gate 3, players navigating the Act 1 map will encounter a variety of locations where alcohol can be scavenged. Despite the grim settings of bloodthirsty gnolls, goblin slave prisons, and treacherous environments like the Underdark, alcohol remains a coveted item. Most commonly, players can find alcoholic beverages like Baldurian red wine by looting the bodies of fallen enemies or exploring deserted areas. However, these resources are often scarce as survivors and foes alike tend to hoard them.

Locations with High Alcohol Availability

One notable location is the Zhentarim Basement, where players can discover wine valued at 10 gold pieces and weighing 1 unit. This spot offers a strategic reserve of alcohol, crucial for those looking to manage or induce the ‘Drunk’ status effect for gameplay advantages.

Notable Quests Rewarding Alcohol

In Act 2, a disused tavern presents a unique challenge where the bartender, in a desperate act, drinks poison and coerces the player to join. Successfully navigating this encounter through Sleight of Hand rolls allows players to access the tavern’s cellar. Although initially seeming promising, the cellar disappointingly yields only empty bottles, reflecting the overall scarcity and value of alcohol in the game’s harsh environment.

How to Consume Alcohol

In Baldur’s Gate 3, consuming alcohol strategically can enhance gameplay, offering various benefits and affecting character performance. Here’s how players can effectively manage alcohol consumption:

Choosing the Right Alcohol

Selecting the appropriate type of alcohol is crucial. For instance, Baalor Ale might be used for specific quests or to boost morale. Each type of alcohol in BG3 has unique effects, so players should choose based on the desired outcome. For example, the “punch drunk bastard great Club” significantly boosts attack rolls and area damage when the character is drunk. This makes potent beverages like this ideal for combat scenarios.

Timing Your Consumption for Maximum Benefits

The timing of alcohol consumption can greatly influence its effectiveness. Characters should drink just before engaging in combat or during critical gameplay moments to maximize the benefits. For instance, consuming alcohol to fulfill achievements such as defeating enemies while a party member is drunk or using alcohol for long rests enhances strategic gameplay. Additionally, the Amulet of the Drone card prolongs the drunk status and allows hit point regeneration, making prolonged bouts of drunkenness more advantageous.

By understanding the types of alcohol available and the strategic timing of consumption, players can turn a simple act of drinking into a tactical advantage in Baldur’s Gate 3.

Drunk Advantages and Strategies

bg3-punch-drunk-bastard-item In Baldur’s Gate 3, strategic drunkenness can turn the tide of battle and enhance quest dynamics significantly. Here are some of the key strategies and benefits:

Combat Benefits

The unique item, Punch-Drunk Bastard, a formidable greatclub, comes into play effectively when characters are drunk. With the Tippler’s Rage trait, characters gain an advantage on attack rolls and generate a blast with each hit, dealing additional Thunder damage. This makes it particularly useful in combat, where timing the consumption of alcohol right before a fight can maximize a character’s combat effectiveness. The drunk status lasts for two turns, but can be extended by consuming more alcohol as a bonus action during the fight.

Effective Use During Quests

Alcohol plays a crucial role in achieving specific game achievements related to drunkenness. For instance, one achievement requires players to defeat 20 enemies while at least one party member is drunk. This can be strategically accomplished by equipping items like the Amulet of the Drunkard, which not only prolongs the drunk status by five turns but also heals the player each turn, enhancing sustainability in prolonged encounters. Additionally, the Drunken Cloth outfit allows players to gain extra temporary hit points at the start of their turn, further leveraging the drunk condition to turn potential vulnerabilities into strengths during critical quest moments.

By understanding and utilizing these items and strategies, players can effectively harness the benefits of being drunk in Baldur’s Gate 3, turning what might seem like a disadvantage into a potent tactical advantage.

Tips for Managing Drunk State

Managing the drunk state in Baldur’s Gate 3 involves careful consideration to avoid overuse and balance alcohol consumption effectively. Players should be aware that any alcohol camp supply gives only two turns of the drunk condition, which necessitates strategic planning.

Avoiding Overuse

Players need to monitor their characters’ drunk status. Overusing alcohol can lead to prolonged disadvantages in Dexterity and Charisma checks. It’s crucial to use items like the Amulet of the Drunkard to extend inebriation beneficially, allowing for regeneration of hit points while maintaining control over the drunk state’s duration.

Balancing Alcohol Consumption

Balancing alcohol consumption is key to leveraging the benefits without falling into the pitfalls of overuse. The Drunken Cloth outfit can be particularly useful as it provides temporary hit points at the start of each turn, which can buffer the negative effects of drunkenness. Additionally, understanding the specific benefits of items like the Punch-Drunk Bastard, which offers advantages on attack rolls and creates a blast with each attack, can guide players on when to consume alcohol to maximize their combat effectiveness.


Through this comprehensive guide, players have been equipped with the essential knowledge to navigate the entertaining yet intricate process of getting drunk in Baldur’s Gate 3. From pinpointing the locales where alcohol is stashed away to leveraging the unique buffs that come with inebriation, we’ve explored how a seemingly disadvantageous state can be tactically used to one’s benefit during combat and quest completion. The dual nature of alcohol’s impact on gameplay – as both a hindrance and an advantage – necessitates a strategic approach to consumption and management, embodying a fascinating aspect of the game’s immersive experience.

The journey through Baldur’s Gate 3 is enriched by these lighthearted endeavors, turning simple acts of drinking into pivotal strategic decisions that can shape the outcome of battles and quests. By understanding when to indulge and how to best utilize the effects of alcohol, players can amplify their gameplay experience, making every drink a calculated step towards victory. As adventurers continue to explore the depths of this game, the balance between the joy of inebriation and the tactical advantages it can offer will surely remain a compelling aspect of their journey.