CS:GO Spray Patterns & Recoil Compensation – what you need to know
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Many modern gamers have a dream of becoming a professional cyber athlete. In order to show a high level of individual skill in Counter Strike: Global Offensive it is necessary to understand the nuances of each type of weapon. Information about CSGO recoil is available to everyone on the information sites devoted to the cult game. In order to get used to the specifics of the game you will need a few months of regular training. During this time you have to understand the nuances and perform the basic operations on the automatism.
To get the most out of the training process you can use skins on the basic types of weapons. A bright and memorable in-game item will allow you to immerse yourself in the gameplay. Also, he will motivate you to show the maximum level of the game. If you get bored with it, you can also sell CSGO skins. Not only Steam platform is used for trading operations, but also third-party resources related to trading. Some players earn real money by selling attractive skins for machine guns, pistols and sniper rifles.
Why recoil control is so important to gamers
CSGO recoil patterns are features of recoil for different types of weapons. If a user has played version 1.6 before switching to Counter Strike: Global Offensive, there are many things that will confuse him. What information is obvious by default:
To minimize the impact of recoil on your actions, you need to look where the bullets fly for each type of gun. It is for this purpose to study a certain trajectory along which the bullets will fly. For example, with this kind of study, you see that bullets from firing fly above the sight. This means that you need to lower the sight a little lower and then the probability of a head kill will be close to the maximum.
What is spray in Counter Strike: Global Offensive
CS GO recoil patterns are the basics you need to know if you plan to get results in this game. If we talk about spray, it is shooting a series of three or more bullets. Of course, if we’re talking about the tenth level of FaceIt, most players are trying to kill their opponents in the head with 1-2 bullets. However, not every gamer has such a high individual level. Therefore, Silver level users most often shoot with a clamp and it is important for them to understand the specifics of bullet flight.
In order to qualitatively learn how to control your spray, it is necessary to spend several weeks of diligent training.
Spray Pattern on the M4A1-S and M4A4

If we talk about the defense side, the most popular types of weapons are M4A1-S and M4A4. Initially the latter variant was more popular, but after the developers made changes in the software code, gamers began to switch to the version with a silencer. M4A4 spray pattern is quite interesting. The thing is that the first ten bullets fly exactly where the user has directed them. Accordingly, it is desirable to try to eliminate the enemy in this range. If this does not work, it should be considered that the next M4A4 spray will be more chaotic.
What should be done in order to compensate for the recoil for this type of machine gun? There are a few recommendations:
The M4A1-S has a very similar shooting format. The first ten bullets also fly in the direction that the player points, and then you have to shift the sight from the right side to the left. Analyzing the M4A1S spray pattern, you can notice a number of disadvantages. First, it is a small magazine, which holds only 20 bullets. It is also disadvantageous to shoot through obstacles, as the enemy does minimal damage.
Shooting Control with the AK 47

Most terrorists prefer this type of assault rifle because for a relatively small amount of money the user gets a quality weapon that kills with a single bullet. AK47 spray pattern is extremely important for shooting efficiency. Before training, it is worth studying how the direction of the sight changes after each bullet. Accordingly, if you want all of your bullets to hit the exact target, you should control the gun and not keep it on one point.
Do not forget about the bullet dispersion. Unlike AK spray pattern that you can learn, this parameter is written in the code using a random number generator. What does it mean? Each shot will be deflected by several values from the aim point.
CSGO AK spray pattern can also be learned from training videos, of which there are enough on various video hosting sites, including YouTube. Initially, the movement of bullets may scare you off, as you will think that learning all the nuances is simply unrealistic. However, over time the skill will improve and you will get used to all the nuances.
Of course, if we talk about playing at high ranks in Matchmaking and FaceIt only changing the sight, lowering the muzzle of the machine gun will not help. You must also learn to control the entire trajectory of the recoil. This will require even more diligent training, but in the end you will be able to surprise all the users on the server.
All this information is not so important for sniper rifles. For example, with the AWP you can shoot only one at a time. Therefore, it is important to train not shooting control, but marksmanship. Best AWP skins can make this process more exciting and memorable.
What you need to know about spray with Galil

Not every round terrorists can afford AKs, so they look for alternatives. The optimal one seems to be the use of the Galil. This machine gun is 900 USD cheaper, and the quality is not much worse. If we talk about Galil spray pattern in more detail, we should note the following points:
Preferably, shoot in 2-3 round bursts. Galil is an excellent machine gun for head kills. Therefore you can try to eliminate the enemy at a large distance. If the enemy is closer, you should aim below the neck.
Why modern players choose the MP7

If the user does not have a lot of money, it is not a bad option for him to buy submachine guns. At a minimum, a kill with such a weapon will bring you 600 USD. Among the possible options it seems that the MP7, costing 1500 USD, is the best option. It is available for both defense and attack.
The MP7 spray pattern has the following nuances:
Many gamers prefer to play with this weapon even if you have money in your account. Very compact and easy to use.
The MP9 is an even cheaper variation of the MP7

The MP9 is the best option for economic rounds. Its cost is 1,250 USD. It is available only to the defending side. It is a bit more difficult to shoot than its heavier counterpart, but the adequate price attracts the attention of the target audience.
The MP9 spray pattern has the following features:
Learning how to use this weapon is quite difficult. That’s why you’ll need regular training.
The MAC-10 is the perfect gun for its money

A recent experiment proved that it is theoretically possible to buy a submachine gun in the opening round. To do this, you have to kill your opponent in the first 15 seconds and buy a MAC-10. It costs only 1,050 USD and is available to terrorists. Just like the MP9 it is quite hard to shoot.
Regarding the Mac 10 spray pattern there is the following information:
If you figure out all the nuances, you can get real results without spending a lot of money.
Why few people use the UMP-45

Of the weapons that were popular in Counter Strike 1.6, not all types of submachine guns have made it to the new version. The UMP-45 is one of them. Only a few players buy it for economic rounds, despite the cost of 1200 USD. The UMP 45 spray pattern is adequate, but you have to consider that:
You might be the one who will be attracted to this type of weapon and you will be able to show maximum capabilities with it.
Why Professionals Don’t Use the P90

It is extremely rare to see a professional CS:GO player using the P90 in the eSports arena. This is due to the cost of $2,350 USD, which is only slightly more expensive than the M4A1-S.
The P90 spray pattern has the following nuances when firing:
Speaking of classic matchmaking, you can try playing with the P90. This weapon has caught the eye of many amateurs.
Why the M249 is so expensive

This is the most expensive weapon in the entire Counter Strike: Global Offensive. Not a single professional user uses it, and it’s also hard to find willing users in regular ranked matches.
However, the M249 spray pattern should also be discussed:
In order to become the lucky owner of this weapon, you need to collect more than 5000 USD. Do you need it?
How to Kill in the Head with the Desert Eagle

A legendary pistol with which you can turn a round in which your opponents have elite weapons. Best Deagle skins will decorate your gun, make it stand out from other in-game items in the team. Several hundred different designs have been created today, all you have to do is choose the best one.
Deagle spray pattern is quite unpredictable, because:
It is not recommended to use the Desert Eagle during the pistol rounds. It is advisable to take a bulletproof vest.
Spray Pattern and recoil are extremely important to the gameplay in Counter Strike. You have to understand all the nuances, whether it is the CSGO M4 spray pattern, or the specifics of pistol shooting.