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Elden Ring Miquella of the Haligtree

Elden Ring Miquella of the Haligtree

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Elden Ring, the much-loved action RPG from the house of From Software, has piqued the interest of players with its intricate lore and complex characters. Among these, the enigmatic demi-god Miquella stands out as a character shrouded in mystery and speculation. This article aims to unravel the complexities surrounding Miquella, who is all set to play a pivotal role in the forthcoming DLC, “Shadow of the Erdtree”.

Miquella’s Role in Elden Ring

The intricate and layered lore of Elden Ring has been partially crafted by renowned author George R. R. Martin. Throughout the gameplay, numerous clues about Miquella are hidden in item descriptions and complex side quests. The recent release of “Shadow Of The Erdtree” gameplay trailer has fueled speculations about Miquella’s role in the upcoming DLC.

Miquella’s Relationship with Malenia

elden-rings-boss Is-his-twin-sibling.jpg Miquella is inextricably linked to Malenia, another infamous boss in the Elden Ring game. In the challenging boss fight, Malenia is titled ‘Malenia, Blade of Miquella’. They are twins, with Miquella delving into incantations and sorceries to broaden his knowledge, while Malenia served as his protector and a fearsome warrior.

Miquella’s Creation: The Haligtree

the-haligtree.jpg Cursed from birth, Miquella was doomed to eternal childhood, while Malenia was afflicted with the Scarlet Rot, a disease that gradually consumes the host’s flesh and mind. When the Golden Order, devoted followers of the Erdtree’s order, failed to find a cure for their afflictions, Miquella resorted to growing the Haligtree, using his demi-god blood. His objective was to encase himself in an alternative powerful tree, enabling him to mature and gain the power to save his sister.

Parentage of Miquella

queen-marika-trapped-by-the-elden-ring.jpg Miquella and Malenia are the offspring of Queen Marika and Radagon of the Golden Order. The fact that both Queen Marika and Radagon are the same person and have engendered demi-gods themselves is potentially the source of the twins’ curse. The twins are the only progeny of Radagon and Marika’s union, and there are still numerous unresolved mysteries about Radagon’s origin that the DLC might potentially address.

Miquella’s Current Status

elden-ring-mohg-boss-lunging-at-player.jpg Miquella is no longer in the Haligtree as he was forcibly removed by his half-brother Mohg during the wars that swept across the Lands Between. Mohg then took Miquella to his undercity lair. Miquella’s followers are unaware of his whereabouts and believe him to be missing. Meanwhile, Mohg stands guard over Miquella’s dormant form, soaking him in blood to help him ascend to godhood.

Miquella’s Power

miquella-powerful.jpg Miquella’s inherent power is feared and admired by the other Empyreans. His sister, Malenia, refers to him as “the most fearsome Empyrean”. This suggests a manipulative aspect to his power, enabling him to compel others to love him. Miquella’s association with St Trina, who controls dreams and sleep, indicates that he has more control over his friends and foes than is immediately evident.

His Dormancy

miquella-Is-dormant.jpg Despite Mohg’s blood sacrifices, Miquella remains asleep. His current form is still unknown as the game only reveals a hand protruding from his cocoon. However, it is known that he divested himself of his flesh and his golden lineage to enter this dormant state and realize his full potential.

Miquella’s Anticipated Return

The official website’s description for the “Shadow Of The Erdtree” DLC hints that Miquella ventured into the Land of Shadow, where the goddess Marika first set foot. This suggests that he is attempting to attain her status as the vessel of the Elden Beast in the same way that she did. All that is known at this stage is that Miquella will return as a guide in the “Shadow Of The Erdtree” DLC, which is slated for release on June 20th, 2024.


The riveting character of Miquella in Elden Ring is a testament to the game’s rich and detailed lore. As we await the DLC’s release, the anticipation around Miquella’s role continues to grow. Whether he will ascend as the next god of the Lands Between or reveal a different facet of his character, only time will tell. Miquella Elden Ring: Unraveling the Myth