TF2 Engineer Weapon: Arsenal Review
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Engineer belongs to the Defense class. He always wears a yellow helmet, safety gloves, and overalls. He has a set of tools, as his main activity is to erect, repair, and demolish buildings of various types.
This is a guy from Texas who speaks with an appropriate accent, and one of his favorite expressions is, “Let’s do it Texas style!” When it comes to the importance of the TF2 Engineer, keep in mind that his teammates are supplied with ammo, health, transportation, and other important things by him. Teleporters and defensive structures ensure the team’s safety during attacks and retreats.
The engineer’s name is Dell Conagher. He has low health and moderate speed compared to all TF2 characters. Therefore, he is ineffective in battles and is more useful on maps such as “Payload” where players are confined to a single route.
What Team Fortress Engineer Builds
Engineer can build several types of buildings but one of each type per game:
- a sentry gun — a stationary weapon with three levels of improvement, it fires automatically when an enemy appears in the view area. There are regular and mini sentry guns;
- teleporter — used to enter and exit, as well as to quickly move to the desired location. It also can be improved, however, if any point is destroyed, it goes back to the first level;
- dispenser — dispenses ammunition and health for team members, as well as construction material for Engineer himself.
Despite the fact that according to the plot, Engineer hates all members of the team, he is effective and indispensable in team battles and is in demand among gamers.
TF2 Engineer Weapons
According to his class, Engineer has the best TF2 items in his arsenal that he uses to build, repair, improve and destroy buildings. All of them are divided into primary, secondary, and additional items. For maximum effect, some gamers take a comprehensive approach and collect the best Engineer loadout TF2.
Engineer’s Primary Weapon
This group includes those items that are used most often and are found in the first slot of the inventory. Some of them act both to damage and to restore buildings.

This is a powerful weapon with a clip of six rounds, and deals 60 damage units with every shot. Probably it is not the most lethal weapon, but in some ways, it’s the best option for melee combat.
Rescue Ranger

Suitable for repairing buildings at a remote distance which can be dangerous when approached. It costs a little more in terms of metal but has a better chance of reaching the target. Rescue Ranger is not good as a defense weapon, as it has a low firing rate and low damage.
Frontier Justice

It’s a pump action shotgun with beautiful engraving. Its ammo capacity is half that of a normal weapon but it can accumulate up to 35 revenge crits if the sentry gun is destroyed. You must unlock Frontier Justice to use it, and those who have five Engineer achievements get it automatically.

The advantage of this shotgun is that it does not require reloading and can fire without stopping. In addition, instead of bullets, it takes metal from the Engineer’s supply and returns it in full when damage is dealt. If a sentry gun is aimed at the enemy at the same time, it causes an additional 10% damage. Widowmaker is suitable for aggressive chasing if the player has good aim.
Secondary Weapons
Engineer has three types of such weapons only. One of them is banned in many leagues. So let’s look at the two options that players are most interested in.

It has good killing power, firing rate, and fast reload, so it enables you to chase the enemy. It is issued to Engineer by default and has a stock of 200 bullets. This handgun has long-range and medium-range capabilities and it outperforms its Scout’s counterpart in terms of technical characteristics. It is not one of the most expensive TF2 items but it enables you to act remotely without approaching the enemy.
Short Circuit

The main advantage of this weapon is the neutralization of enemy shells. This is performed by releasing an energy ball, which, when touched, eliminates all bullets and explosives. However, you have to pay 60 units of metal for this effect, which is convenient when you are close to the Dispenser. The damage power of the Short Circuit itself is not that great — 10 units will cost you five units of metal.
Melee Weapons
These weapons are more necessary for building, repairing, and improving buildings than for their direct purpose. Some tools enable you to neutralize bugs, others help you deal damage to Spy.

It is used to build sentry guns, teleporters, and dispensers. If you hit a building with a wrench, the construction is accelerated. When several Engineers do it together, the construction will be accelerated even faster.

It’s a cool weapon for both close combat and construction. In the first case, the hand prosthetic adds 25 health units, as well as a crit for every third hit. If you use Gunslinger for construction, it helps speed up the work by 150%, while reducing the metal consumption by 23%. If this option is selected, then you have to sacrifice health and damage reduction by 50%.

It is a combination of a wrench and pipe spanner. It increases the building speed by 30% but decreases the total damage. You’ll have to work with the item a bit more to eliminate the Bomber. Jag is more often used to speed up construction than as a killing weapon, so the decrease in kill rate is worth it.

It has its positive and negative sides, so it is up to the gamer to decide whether to use the Eureka effect. Erecting teleporters will become 50% cheaper, and you can move to the port of rebirth or to the teleporter’s exit when reloading. In return, you will have to sacrifice 20% of the metal, which is reduced when collected from dispensers and other sources.
TF2 Best Engineer Cosmetic Loadout
Despite the fact that skins do not provide any strategic advantages, they are in demand among collecting gamers. Owners of rare and unique skins become noticeable in the crowd, and their status and self-confidence increases.
To date, there are a lot of TF2 cosmetic items of different levels and rarity. They are offered by community members for exchange or sale. Some rare skins are hunted for, and the most expensive lots are sold for thousands of dollars.
You can get a skin in a variety of ways:
- buy it in the official store;
- exchange with another player;
- get it out in battle.
You can also sell TF2 Items on reliable platforms and buy the best skins. For this purpose, it is important to use verified platforms and check the reputation of the seller.
If you want to build a cool Engineer loadout, then use all the options for the best equipment. By creating kits, you can optimize their combinations, and have a cool and unique look. You can use ready-made kits or follow your imagination and create your own kit based on the possibilities and inventory content.